Our Mission
To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by serving the physical needs of our Armenian brothers and sisters. With the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are called to serve those in need of God’s love through medical service, health education, and the preaching of the Gospel.
As one examines the Gospels, it becomes quite evident that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ often met the physical needs of those who sought Him prior to addressing their spiritual lives. Using Christ’s example, we lead medical teams to address the physical and spiritual aspects of the needy in the rural and impoverish areas of Armenia. We provide free medical examinations and medications to those we see. Each patient is prayed with and invited to church services where the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared. This primary goal is accomplished under the authority of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) with the assistance of the local Armenian Evangelical Churches and AMAA in Armenia.
Who is the AMAA?
The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) operates funds and supports more than 140 different mission and service projects, some of which are listed below. These carefully selected projects serve thousands of disadvantaged people in 24 countries. The enormous impact this world-wide Christian outreach has on people and communities is not the fruit of the efforts of a few individuals or groups. Rather, it is the result of the concerted vision, prayers, labors and gifts of thousands of mission-minded Christians who share a common commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 29:29-20); “Thou shall love the lord with thy heart and all thy soul, and with all thy mind… Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mathew 22:37, 39) The following is a listing of the countries and programs in which the AMAA is active.
The Armenian Missionary Association was founded by the Evangelical churches of Armenia on June 7, 1918, in Worcester, Massachusetts. The goals of the AMAA are to express the love of Christ through words and deeds, and to help the Armenian people preserve its faith, culture and national identity.
Immediately after the earthquake of 1988, the AMAA, like the rest of the world, did everything necessary to soothe the pain of the Armenian people who had suffered from this devastation event. The AMAA stretched out its hand of help by providing food, clothing, medication and medical equipment.
In April 1989, the delegation of the Armenian Evangelical World Council came to Armenia in order to learn about the conditions in Armenia and to find out how Armenian Evangelicals can provide for the needs of the people through the Armenian Missionary Association of America.
In 1991, after the independence of Armenia and the official registration of the AMAA, the central office of the Association was opened in Yerevan. Soon after that the main streams of the AMAA’s activities were established in Armenia and Artsakh.